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  Economic Evaluation


  • Evaluation of VERDEFAM and preparation of the dossier for the filiations in IPPF - International Planned Parenthood Federation;

  • Study of Market, Technician and of Economic Viability and Financial of Desalinization Project, Adduce and Distribution of Water for the Provisioning of Santiago's Interior.

  • Technical studies of Economic Viability and Financial Construction Project of Figueira Gorda’s Barrage, in Ribeira of Boa Entrada, at Santa Cruz's Council.;

  • Evaluation, for twice (to half course and final) of the project FSP 2002/130 - Support to the durable Administration of the Natural Resources, of French Cooperation, that worked near the Ministry of Environment and Agriculture.




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CESE - Estudos & Consultoria Lda. Todos os direitos reservados - 2007