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  Studies, Projects and Financial Engineering


  • Study of the impacts of the Fund of Competitiveness and Growth on the National Companies
  • Diagnostic Study of the Market Employment in Cape Verde

  • Study about “the Definition Strategy of Participation in the Privatization of Cape Verde Ports ". Promotor - ENAPOR/AGRONER, SL;


  • Study on “The Alimentary Habits in the Consumption of Horticultural Products, in Cape Verde ", sponsored by FAO;

  • Study on " Contribute of the Aerial Transports and of the Communications in the Reinforcement of Inter-regional Cooperation and of the Economic Development of CEDEAO;
  • Study on “The Barriers Tariff and Not Tariff to the Incentives of the Investment Promotion and of the Export, in the chart of Lomé IV'S Convention and of SGP ", sponsored by CNUCED/PNUD;
  • Study on " Contribute of the Aerial Transports and of the Communications in the Reinforcement of the Inter-regional Cooperation and of the Economic Development of CEDEAO, the case of Cape Verde ", sponsored by JNICT ( Joins National of Scientific and Technological Investigation - Portugal);

  • Study about “the Definition of a Strategy Participation in the Privatization of Cape Verde’s Ports”

  • Study about the Problem of the Insert and Integration of the Ethnic Minorities in the Society of Reception - the case of Portugal;

  • Study on The Alternatives of the School and Professional Framing of the Students in Risk in the Conventional education system, in Conflict with the Law and of the no instructed Families, in Portugal.


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CESE - Estudos & Consultoria Lda. Todos os direitos reservados - 2007